Important Notice
Otamatea marae is open for bookings and hui. Please observe all guidelines under the COVID 19 Protection Framework issues by the government while you are on the marae property. To help protect our kaumatua and kuia, we ask you to stay away from the marae if you or your whānau members are unwell. All bookings are to be made through emailing: Our cultural and customary duty is for priority to be given to tangihanga. Should your booking be postponed due to a tangihanga we will do our best to find another suitable date or an alternative venue at another marae in our area.
Tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai haere mai ki te whārangi ipurangi o Otamatea Marae o Ngāti Whātua ki Tānoa i te rohe o Otamatea.
Welcome to the website for Otamatea Marae of the Ngāti Whātua tribe. Ngāti Whātua’s tribal area stretches from the Tāmaki River in the south, to Maunganui Bluff on the west coast in the north, and to Whangarei Harbour on the east coast.
We are located at Tānoa near Maungatūroto in the former historical district of Otamatea.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
About Otamatea Marae
Otamatea Marae was established in 1946 as the tupuna marae for Ngāti Whātua people. Our wharenui Aotearoa was originally the whare rūnanga at Shelly Beach which opened in 1887. It was relocated to Tānoa to sit alongside Kakaraea Church in remembrance of the 1825 battle of Te Ika ā Ranganui.
Explore Our Website
Take the time to explore our website and find out about the Otamatea River, our church Kakaraea, Marae governance and management, and our customs and protocols including tangihanga and unveiling. Information on how to book the Marae and Kakaraea including rates and terms and conditions can be found on our bookings page.