Trustees & kaumātua

Trustees and kaumātua
Board of Trustees
The governing body for Otamatea Marae and Kakaraea are the 16 Trustees of the Otamatea Marae Board of Trustees who represent each of the families of Otamatea Marae. Trustees are chosen by their own whānau.
Trustees are expected to attend all trustee hui and are responsible for keeping their whānau informed on Marae matters.
Current Trustees are:
- Jahkodii Morunga
- Veronica Materoa Nathan
- Bill Poihi Paikea (Chair)
- Joe Paikea
- Lloyd Robert Paikea
- Kim Phillips (Treasurer)
- Zane Te Kawau Phillips
- Pairama Hakiputatomuri Toka
- Hazel Walker
- Eddie Watts
- Rua Lewis
- Cindy Hempsall
The Board of Trustees has three elected officers who chair meetings and manage internal and external relationships, keep financial records and prepare books for audit, send pānui, record trustee decisions and attend to correspondence.
Current officers for the Otamatea Marae Board of Trustees are:
- Chair – Bill Paikea
- Cindy Hempsall – Treasurer
- Victoria Kurupo– Secretary
Financial accounts are audited each year. The Board of Trustees holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place every year. The notification takes place via social media and the newspaper. The audited financial accounts are tabled at the AGM. Whānau is welcome to attend Trustee meetings and the AGM.
Taumata kaunihera
Our kaumātua sit on the Taumata. The Taumata discuss and decide matters relating to tikanga and kawa for Otamatea Marae and other matters of cultural significance across the wider hapū and iwi.